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Wander Wild Coaching

Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching
Academic Tutoring
All Things Paddle Board

Image by Nadi Whatisdelirium

Meet Nicole

I am a High School Teacher, a Coach, & an Athlete. I have a Bachelors Degree in Physical Activities Studies (Kinesiology) with a major in Fitness & Lifestyle and a Bachelors Degree in Physical Education with a minor in Mathematics. For over 25 years I've coached multiple sport and taught many different subjects in high school for 18 years. I am passionate about health, wellbeing, & teaching strategies to help all learners.

  • Discover Your Soul Desires & Build A Plan To Live In Alignment

    1 hr 30 min

    188 Canadian dollars
  • Follow Up Session(s) To Keep You Riding The Wave of Alignment

    Loading days...

    108 Canadian dollars
  • Build Your Confidence In Learning Through Academic & Wellness Strategi...

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    88 Canadian dollars
  • Build Your Skills & Confidence in Math, Science and Humanities

    45 min

    68 Canadian dollars
  • Build Strength & Endurance On The Water

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    44 Canadian dollars
  • Group Paddle Board Trips, Tips & Discount On Rentals 1-1.5 hours

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    28 Canadian dollars
  • Daily and Weekend Rates

    8 hr

    Day $44 Weekend $88

What Clients Say

"My son was struggling with science 10. After connecting with Nicole, she gave him some study tips & tricks along with test taking strategies. She taught him some breathing & self regulation strategies to stay focused in class and manage anxiety.  His test scores improved and passed the course!

I am so thankful for the tutoring & coaching Nicole was able to provide. 

Now he has strategies and tools to help him in the future."



"You have to tear muscle to rebuild it."

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